One of the two, has already become customary or I to my mother and I have it pierced. And I am wife and daughter, so something like this, although a teenager, going understanding. While you are at the other end of the matter. Shhhhhhhhhh, that if my mother reads I write: I am woman, right away, you can’t with his genius and well plated antiquate, it retrucara: Miss, Miss my daughter. That for woman missing yet and I would insist and we enfrascariamos us in a subsidiary maternal infernally endless dialectic that mamma mia. I stop in my sixteen and she enfrascada the quarantine. Jonah Bloom does not necessarily agree. Anyway, things of life and love, you are told.
The issue is that I assume are things from women, as to my also going to pass me, I decided to express my solidarity with the organization in full possession of my mental faculties of the meets breast. While and catharsis with this note, hago and may God save me and save me. Relief!. My mother me crazy, part I. Already I have studied. Every year, after the thirty, ago, updated version, more or less the same thing. A bombastic Annunciation with drums and cymbals. Accurate three months before indicated, this is your anniversary date, starts: Watch that within 90 days am years, eh and its variants: gonna come right?, you will not forget, looks that are not mucus Turkey 43, let’s celebrate it full and etc.
Etc. etc. And, incidentally, I read in your thoughts that is silent and that for anything in the world would say, but I know that so, cejudamente look at the impending victim, that for anything in the world has to forget that it is his birthday, and thinks: but you removal the salutation forever. And, Yes, it is a little extremist my mother for some things. To the two previous months, still, insisting, look you’ll notice.