Attract More Customers

His search was not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Ideal marketing scheme is simple. Necessary, spending as little money as possible to find targeted customers. Every advertiser is trying to implement this formula with varying degrees of success. Radio advertising, advertising campaign on television or in ads in glossy magazines is expensive.

In the collections of ads in newspapers and your module is lost among hundreds of their twins. Students, worked distributing leaflets recently do not cause much trust in people walking on the streets. They'll take a leaflet, but most likely never use your services. So smashed almost the entire edition, ate out of your budget a few thousand. And do not forget that the amount of added labor agent …

It is obvious that all these strategies – not the most intelligent. What should I do? What a way to accommodate advertising you choose? There is a great way to spend a successful and – most importantly – low-budget advertising campaign! Take, for example, a movie theater. It is much more attractive than the vain Piglet's near the metro. Wealthy intelligent audience. No one anywhere in a hurry. A cup of coffee or glass of soda water information to the cover, film studies "from cover to cover." Perhaps this is one of the best locations for your advertising cards. In the lobby of every theater in a conspicuous place set an attractive advertising and information board "City Web," with clear-cell for business cards. On the advertising business cards – offers multi-color, discounts and bonuses programs, descriptions of goods, services or events, invitations and other promotional information. The results showed: 47% attend theater, moviegoers between the ages of 18 and 25, and 39% – from 26 to 40 years. Income per family member 44% moviegoers ranges from $ 200 to $ 400, 30% – better off twice. Of those surveyed 38% of moviegoers are employed, 31% received a higher education or studying in graduate school. Women in cinema goes slightly more women than men. AND almost half of the movie-goers have a higher education (source:). Advertise on business card can be in theaters networks "TsentrFilm", "Luxor", "AlmazSinema" as well as CPA CPA-PARK. Attendance more than half a million per month, which means that hundreds of thousands of people will see your ads, thousands – will take and leave your business card advertising himself. Do not forget that this is provided by the public, which has guaranteed free money. Make them their customers! Especially since the price of such advertising in movie theaters accessible to all.


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