As we have already seen, debt is a delicate matter which should not be irresponsibly. Source: Jim Rogers. As it is popularly known, is a double-edged weapon, as used in the best way will you many advantages and economic benefits, which you can obtain goods and services that will definitely improve the status of the person’s life, but used carelessly can sink to the debtor in an abyss of bitterness and difficult problems. Therefore exploring a number of circumstances in which in general terms can borrow: 1. Endeudese only if you have positive cash flow, i.e., their income exceeds their expenditure. Well ask your bank the amount of approximate monthly payment that will generate your debt, and take care that all their debt payments do not exceed the 30% or 40% of your net income (depending on whether you’re conservative or not), I particularly prefer not to exceed 30%. Remember to set aside 10% of that chosen percentage when there is variations in interest rates; and also, don’t forget to save two (2) or three (3) wages as a reserve fund to an account or instrument of savings (personally I would be three (3), before you begin to borrow.) Most of the remaining circumstances by which you can borrow is subordinate to that you have done what is specified at this point.
2 Endeudese when the Government or Central Bank of its country regulate interest rates. 3. Listen opinion programs where interviewed them renowned economists, often give advice about who should make people short and medium-term from the economic point of view. In 2005 and 2006, it was common to hear economists recommending to people that they endeudaran in the short or medium term. 4. Read the market signals. Although this is not a completely accurate law tends to give satisfactory results and of itself interesting. When you see many commercials on television or notices of press, banks offering loans to fixed rate for the first 12, 24 or 36 months, is because they consider or foresee that interest rates are going down.