Capital Gains and Real Estate

There are reduced rates for some cases. The payment of this tax is paid by the buyer. -Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land. Also known as Capital Gains. It is a municipal tax levied on the increase in urban land values experienced during the years in which the seller has owned the house.

Is calculated taking into account the rateable value and the number of years that has elapsed since the previous transmission. About this increase applies the tax rate is set by each municipality as a maximum and minimum established by law. According to the law is paid by the seller, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. In the case of new housing, there is also a capital gain from the increased value of land, usually must pay the developer. There is a period of 30 calendar days from the date of writing to liquidate at City Hall. Notary. Are the fees for the intervention of the notary as a public notary that the document is a deed and can enroll in the registry. It is important to know that by law, payment of such fees for the seller, as regards the authorization of the writing, and the buyer as they relate to the issue of copies of it. The buyer must pay all fees of the notary if it is agreed expressly with the seller, this being the norm. The price is determined by the value of the sale, but also influence the extent of writing, the number of copies or the existence of those operations, such as a mortgage.


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