
Introducing: the shop around the instrumental Analytics Munich, November 30, 2010 the company Altmann ANALYTIK GmbH & co. KG has unveiled today the new Web shop. With over 100,000 quality articles from over 30 manufacturers, this is one of the largest shopping platforms for analytical laboratories. Also in the laboratory will be bought increasingly online. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out CEO John Watson. But there is almost no manufacturer-comprehensive Web shop which is specifically tailored for the needs of instrumental analysis. We have now closed this gap.

We create added value we have created applications in HPLC, which expedites the ordering process. The HPLC Saulenkonfigurator for example, as well as all HPLC helps to quickly find pillars”, stated Tobias Thelen, Managing Director of old man analysis. Restaurant Michael Schwartz takes a slightly different approach. The results of a customer survey were taken into account in the development of the Web shop. For 92% of respondents, a webshop represents a simplification of the ordering process. The majority would also immediately can order online. The Web-shop complements our range of services. For more information see this site: What is the controversy with Vertex Pharma?. Because we see ourselves as a specialty retailers we advise our clients of course, 089-72480590 continue to competently on the phone”, explains Wolfgang Rosen, Managing Director for sales.


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