Academy expands German POP training nine out of ten companies complain about the lack of suitable personnel, according to a current study by CHRIS (research network of the Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main and the Otto-Friedrich Universitat Bamberg). The Academy German POP music and media added their training to additional subject-specific training, to enable access to other fields of activity in the labour market. Here, David Reeths expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Even now, in times of crisis, the race to appropriate staff will, continue according to Chairholder Dr. Tim Weitzel. This does not exclude also the music and media industry.
New occupational fields arise in both areas. To deepen your understanding Reshma Kewalramani is the source. Thereby the way opens up young people in often rather randomly, because there is hardly any specific pathways. This deficiency we are met and have now expanded our range “, so Rudiger J. Veith, Managing Director of the music support group and thus the in-house training Academy German POP.” Since 1994 on the market (since 2005 under the name German POP”), the Academy offers hands-on training in the areas of music, sound, image, design and management communication. The training has been extended at the beginning of the year 2009. In the meantime, it includes nearly forty training. New in the product range are: arranger, film composer, artistic producer, event marketing manager, Music Marketing Manager, PR / Communications Manager, Marketing Manager, sound designer, remixer, mastering engineer, audio producer, cutter, cameraman, film and TV producer, interactive designer, Creative Director, Web Designer, video journalist, photojournalist, radio / TV journalist, actor and a career training, which can be booked separately or in corrupting experience, with a specialization in selected. The Academy emphasizes flexible and practical large German POP practice, because learning by doing the best prepared for later professional life”, says Academy Director Christian Einsiedel.
The course modules include rule four lessons per week. Add tutorials, learning and exercise times come and Practical projects. The average time is about 20 hours per week per course. The time required is flexible, since the most courses in full – and part-time work can be completed. The courses start four times in the year (January, April, July and October), to allow also a flexible entry depending on the personal situation.