Dominican Cigars

At the heart of the Dominican Republic cigars – a tradition, not just business. For E. Reyes, this tradition has deep family roots. Dale Scott My taxi dramatically slows and stops at the curb along the Flor de Los Reyes, – cigar factory Emilio Reyes on the outskirts of Santiago in the Dominican Republic. May the heat is melting everything in the morning, and I am greeted by a pair of semi-nude figures. Topless – too strong a word – their clothing is probably almost out of figs sheets.

But – this is only picture of the Renaissance on the front wall of a small building, decorated like the flag of the main brand of the company: cigars, 'Adam and Eve. " Inside the factory about 30 people passionate about the work – a complex process Hand rolling cigars. Despite the heat, Don Emilio insists on the traditional beginning of the day – a cup of strong, sweet coffee (in the style of espresso-Cuban). His humor vkradchiv, he tilts his head slightly to one side and looks almost conspiratorial glance, but then bestows a wide boyish smile sly. 58-year-old Dominican Tabakalero calm and deepened in my thoughts, and quietly and thoughtfully, he, like other giants in the world of tobacco and cigars committed to the highest quality of its output. These talented master of his craft not engaged in self-aggrandizement, and their accomplishments speak for them themselves. Always easy to communicate: any ordinary person can with them chat and smoke a cigar.


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