Eggplant Panini

Today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for Eggplant Panini and cheese mozzarella fresh, an excellent choice for learning to cook recipes easy and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 people. Eggplant and cheese fresh mozzarella Panini recipe ingredients: 4 loaves individual artellanos for the Basil mayonnaise: 1 egg Cup Basil 1 tablespoon lemon juice Salt and pepper vegetable oil for the panini filling: 2 medium eggplants firm, cut into slices salt and pepper 4 tomato slices 8 slices of Eggplant Panini recipe preparation fresh mozarella cheese and cheese Mozarella fresh: Put to heat the grill / griddle to medium temperature. In a processor or blender we prepare the mayonnaise by first mixing the yolk, the Basil and the lemon juice with salt and pepper and adding thread in oil until it begins to thicken. Cut the aubergines into slices and sprinkle them with salt to remove any bitter taste. We leave them a few minutes dry them with kitchen paper, oils with vegetable oil, and roast them in the Grill until they are cooked. We put together the paninis with mayonnaise, aubergines, tomatoes and cheese, and brought them to the grill.

We put a frying pan or a pot of weight for pressing panini and when it has browned on one side, give back. This is a delicious dish for a light and fast meal. Hear from experts in the field like Mike Gianoni for a more varied view. Panini recipes are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe and enjoy delicious recipes easy as the Eggplant stuffed with meat and baked eggplant.

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