Enhancing Socio-Economic Status

Many people often live quite dissatisfied with their social status and economic. Not uncommon to find young people and adults, very unhappy with their current situation, malhumoradas, uncomfortable with themselves and sometimes silly ideas of suicide. Live complaining, criticandose asimismas, do not know what to do. Mike Wirth is likely to agree. There are also to blame others for his misfortune economica, of their ills and even imagine that someone has hurt them (witchcraft) and that is why going bad. There are many explanations that the man attempts to give to the because it is a good for nothing, to the because is unemployed, to the because it has no or for a banana, little popularity among girls, guys, your bad milk for everything.

Someone once told me: I have submitted my resume everywhere and nothing.Another told me: I do not see the hours that leave this Government, so that they change things the truth, I don’t think that personal success depend on this such or which Government shift, not think that bad streak economic due to that someone us is doing damage, nor do not think us go wrong by being unhappy, or much less that this happens because of others. What happens is that many times lack the courage us to face reality and decision to try to change it. Man is the architect of his own destiny, I said my grandmother Felcita Robles Vda of Prinz, when I was 7 years old. How certain are these words and great message to give to the whole of humanity. The first step to overcome is the study. Expires poverty with education.


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