For manufacturing various types of modern glass products are mainly used conventional material which are manufactured in sheet thickness from 2 to 6 mm. Sizes of glass used may be different from 250×250 to 1600X2200 mm. In some cases, a decorative colored types: transparent and opaque, hardened products, a high load on the punch and bending, etc. Improved performance is achieved by adding special substances to the basic composition of the commodity. Currently, windows, blocks and other similar products have very wide application. Difficult to imagine a luxurious store or public building without these elements. Glassware can significantly increase the size of window openings. Additional information at More supports this article. They provide a sufficient amount of light entering the room.
To fill in light gaps in external walls, stairwells, lavatories, lights and devices for internal partitions used glass blocks. This is a translucent hollow parts with different texture of interior or exterior surfaces, made by welding two pressed polublokov followed by annealing. They are divided by type – on the square and angular, the construction of the inner cavity – to odnopustotnye and dvuhpustotnye. The first of these are the most common view, now widely used both in our country and abroad. Sides with glass blocks make smooth or with the thumb formed by a process of pressing. To increase the adhesive strength of the material with grout is recommended to apply a special postmark with powdered coarse sand, marble chips, etc.
These products retain all the positive properties of glass as a building material. In light openings, they work on compression, impact resistance and flexural strength. Tensile strength at this very much depends on the shape and design of products, the chemical composition of weight and quality of annealing. Thermal insulation – is the basic indicator that provides installation of glass. Because of the presence in them of air cavities, they have little thermal conductivity. This figure is in them is 0.36 kcal / m x h x deg. Also, these products have a high level of noise and soundproofing. In this case, they are easy and quick to install. You should not use windows as the supporting structures of the large difference in the coefficients of expansion of materials, considerable brittleness glass and low mechanical strength, vibration and bending loads. Therefore, the primary and the general condition of their mounts is to isolate steklobetonnoy panel of brick and concrete support structures. They successfully used for industrial buildings, public and residential purpose. This is one of the best options for glazing, especially in harsh climatic conditions of our country.