Great Fisherman

One day I was fishing in Juacuba, Ecoporanga, the place called three tumbles. She was my deceased grandmother there Miguel Briti, Miguelim of the Zaias, the Izaias, the Josias of the pharmacy and other relatives. Mine I negotiate was not to fish. It liked exactly was to eat the matutagem and to drink coffee made in my stocking. The others, as soon as arrived, mounted the tents and left in the capinado one.

Each one wanted to fish more than the other. Of time in when I passed the hand in my pole and it went to encircle the river. I there am fishing in a backwater, where he had a lawn, why he did not like to enter from fear in the snake weeds, when arrives with great eye in my backwater the Josias of the pharmacy. It plays isca and is there waiting the fisgada one of the pial. Meanwhile I gave one looked at for the bag of fish of it, a red bag of those who I come full of batatinhas. The bag had descusturado and the fish of it tava leaving for that hole. The Josias did not feel nor fisgada of pial and gave a skill to crack outside from there.

When it left I was direct in the gram where the fish had caido and collected six baita of pial. I caught and I played inside of the scupper. I was arriving in the tents and the uncle Izaias already was soon cheretando. It said: Ours that fished good you made! You almost do not catch nothing! I gavei that he was fera in the handling of my pole. He did not delay nothing and he arrived the Josias of the pharmacy cramando that a possible snake had stolen the fish of it. I was been silent it ties today and it gained fame of good fisherman.


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