Hume and the idea of the itself to speak of itself in Hume must start by the distinction that makes the author between the two genres of perceptions: impressions and ideas. The difference between them lies in the degree of force and liveliness with which are presented to the mind. Impressions Hume means those sensations, passions and emotions that penetrate the mind with more force and liveliness. Ideas, for its part, would be weak of these images only. (Cf. Hume, 1992, 11) That would have an idea of itself this should arise from a print, and as self think like identical through time then your print should be the same at all times.
However, Hume argues that such printing does not exist since the impressions which emerge from our experience do not remain the same but that happen to each other, this means that a feeling, passion, or emotion tends to lose vivacity with time because what they produced it ceases to be present to give rise to another passion, sensation or emotion, and this describes the course of our lives. To be able to proclaim the idea of itself would have to be assumed that these impressions is derived from the idea of the self as something stable, but there is nothing stable in the course of the experience, so you don’t have felt think even as the container of all these impressions, since this mode prints exist all at once what, according to Hume, leads to a contradiction. (Cf. Hume, 1992, 325) What is meant by this is that nothing stable as support and liaison of that multiplicity should not be impressions. How, therefore, they belong to the same if and how will be linked with him. For my part, when I enter more intimately into what I call my own person, always tripping over some particular perception of heat or cold, light or shade, love or hatred, grief or pleasure. Learn more about this with Peter Hern.