Kurusu Ara Day De La Cruz

KURUSU ARA DiA DE LA CRUZ (Ohai) David Galeano Olivera (Por) read original (click) on: da-de-la-cruz 3 niko Kurusu Ara jasypo; ojegueromandu ava ymaite guive Cristiano-kuera apytepe has omombe grape Constantine, Rome excellent; rembihasakue. Upero ndaje, ysyry Danube rembe ype, Rome-ygua guarinikuera onorairotakuri Barbaro-kuera ndive. Rome-ygua niko hikuai imbovy has upevakuere ndojeroviaguasui ipu akare. Constantine upe pyharepe jeko oneno, oke has ohecha kurusu ojajai SMS ikepe has omimbiva has hese I ko ta anga reheve ndepu Akato VAT. Eme, opayvo ko Upehague Constantine, ojapouka SMS omohendava Romano-kuera kurusu renondepe; It has – anetehape – heseve Romano-kuera ipu aka has onemotenonde hikuai Barbaro-kuera rehe. Ko mba guasuete ojehu rire, Constantino onemongaraiuka has oiko Christian ichugui has auka omopu heta Tupao hetame. Uperire, omondo isy, Elena Marangatu; Jerusalem-me ohekavo Hesukirito kurusu.

Elena Marangatu upepe umi mbohapy kurusu ojuhukuri has oikuaa has? au mavapa upe Hesukirito mba ekue omoiuka SMS mitarusu omanova retekue mokoiveva ari has ndojehui mba eve; It has onemonenovo upe kurusu mbohapyha ari, upe mitarusu oikovejey. UPE mba guasuete ojehukuri SMS ara 3 jasypo, upe guive opytava kurusu araro. May 3 it is the day of the cross and the Memorial comes from an ancient Christian tradition that tells the story of Constantine, Emperor of Rome. Counts while on the coast of the Danube, the Roman army was about a war with the barbarians. The Romans had a very reduced and army without chances of defeating the enemy. In the night Constantine sleeps and in his dream come a brilliant cross with a caption that said with this sign conquer.

Dawn Constantine ordered the construction of the cross which preceded the Roman army in the battle. Incredibly the Romans achieved beating the barbarians. As a result of this episode Constatino converted to Christianity and lifted several churches. Subsequently, sent his mother, St. Helena, to Jerusalem to seek the cross of Jesus Christ.

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