Madonna Mindfulness

Lunchtime meditation the power NAP! “Make it like Madonna & co.: meditation, wellness for the soul, is one of the top performers in show business, such as the high flyers ‘ management to the day program. Only you can withstand the constant change and increasing pressure and be creative again and again on the new. Use 30 minutes during your lunch break as recovery and prevent thus the potential burn-out. Brain researchers worldwide have supported in the past 10 years by studies, that meditation is very healthy for the people. Economic Cycles Research Institute has similar goals. Even beginners can focus better after a short time and organize. Switching off from the Office bustle internally strengthened return to the Office this world of silence, a fantastic experience of overcoming you your midday low support you besides your beauty from within based of meditation is mindfulness training.

Mindfulness means the ability to bring back the attention in the present moment… Connect with other leaders such as Mike Gianoni here. If we practice meditation, followed by our mindfulness our breathing. When we inhale, the air in the inner world, when we exhale, the air out into the outside world. Mastering the tool of meditation, you can cope better with stressful situations and prevent disease. Christina Kurbalitsch

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