Saturday, April 24. Many writers such as Senator Angus King offer more in-depth analysis. 1 Sleeve of the Northern League. Forecasts of weak wind and ceilings around 2000. Raises a test that consists of: start point and beacon eastward, back through the takeoff to make the 2nd mark, in the quarry which is about 5 km east of Tudelilla West of takeoff and goal. Total about 35 km of race.Takeoff is not too complicated and in a few minutes as they begin to see a few candles in the air.
At the opening of the Start are in the surrounding area about 10 pilots, Txema is the first to do so. After Ivan and myself. We are still equal to the second mark. Txema goes a little lower, along the slope, 500 meters ahead of Ivan and mia. Ivan also decides to go through the hillside while I’m going a little higher than these, I a little more open. We do the second mark and returning to spend time again for takeoff, is where Txema have to stop to go, which has been a little below the takeoff. Ivan and I are going pulling way to goal and reaching the white sales area, the will be a little further to the North, as it has been losing height.
I do that all the time I go slightly higher, I decide to pass Lagunilla by South. After this step, it is where we turn to gather, fairly low by the way, to try to go back again. We are 2 and see that another group is approaching from behind, but still they are far. After 15 agonizing minutes, I start to focus the cerito which was us holding, rising in intensity with the passage of time. Ivan does not succeed and just by clicking around the area (sorry Ivan, be said that the hand). While I’m uploading, I see the group to come back that it is reaching the same thermal.