Marketing Strategies

The marketing possess tools that can assist the Unit of Information in the relationship between its sectors and its clientele consisting as much of the users, a time that detects the necessities of the users. This pursuing of the administration can be for the reference a weapon of success to contribute for improvement of the performance of this sector as well as of the proper institution in all. Being thus, the marketing promotes one better investment of the financial resources destined the Libraries, decurrent of the adjustment of the existing services already. The marketing still stimulates in the direction of the spreading becoming determined it recognized service before the community that uses not yet it. The Library counts on the strategies of the marketing to stimulate, the use its services for intermediary of the Service of Reference due to attraction of a bigger number of users, being able even though to generate a yield of the investments carried through for the community in this institution.

It is inferred clearly that a time is of utmost importance the paper of the marketing for the Unit of Information that makes possible accomplishments of the varied factors so that if it can reach the recognition of the cited institution. The Science of the Information is a science of interdisciplinar, related fields among others, with the one of the management. The necessity of use of the marketing the Library appears to improve the quality of the managerial system the magnifying of the function of the Unit of catalytic Information for information dissemination and to emphasize the user as consuming of products and information services. The marketing is a boarding of the managerial one, its study is, consequences, related with the Science of the Information, in what it says respect to the management of the information and the knowledge.


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