Medical Officer

Patients can combine leisure with wellness treatments. Typically, clinics are located at the seaside or in mountainous regions. Not only in Europe, but in China, with its unique thermal springs. Clients is help with the preparation of documents for traveling abroad. In a question-answer forum Lakshman Achuthan was the first to reply. Center for medical treatment abroad, “MedMira” offers to treatment, diagnosis, health / anti-aging program, plastic surgery abroad in countries such as Switzerland, Israel, China. Individual approach to each person, from the moment of our office.

Experienced Medical Officer of our company give you an initial consultation and offer the most appropriate hospital for treatment or recovery, based on health status, diagnosis, etc. Special programs complete diagnosis (check-up) in foreign clinics, which take only 1-2 days for orders correct diagnosis and competent treatment. The choice of treatment and rehabilitation of the classical European medicine or traditional Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese medicine. Providing pre-treatment program and the expected value. Assistance with travel arrangements, including visa, airline ticketing, booking rooms at the hotel of the country (in comfortable living conditions during the treatment of postoperative period and at the time of rehabilitation. Ability to support a patient of his close friends, the organization of their leisure time. Providing only the best clinics in the world known name. Effective treatment for complex cancers, surgery of the cardiovascular system, an in vitro fertilization, etc. Quality assurance of treatment and other restorative.

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