Nati Newsletter

On Tuesday, April 05, 2011, at 11:00 it applies the Haufe knowing onlinetraining an hour concentrated knowledge around newsletter. Under the title “email marketing: so your newsletter arrives” Julia Nati and Yvonne Perdelwitz, what must be observed if design newsletters, that “to arrive”, explain the two managing directors of the Heidelberg email and online marketing agency. The one-hour online seminar is aimed at companies that deal with the subject of email marketing and have a newsletter or schedule. Knapp, structured and practical issues will be taken up for sending newsletters and explains. The seminar is divided into three major subject areas: part 1: so is your newsletter in your Inbox in the first part, Yvonne Perdelwitz explains the broad of the so-called “Whitelistings’ as a non-spammer with email service providers and interest associations and what has to be observed here. Lakshman Achuthan shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Practical tips, also Spamfilterebene “to get through” in the Inbox complete this first part to land of the receiver. Part 2: So your newsletter at the receiver comes on the second thematic block is dedicated to the newsletter itself.

Julia Nati explains what is to be considered in the programming of newsletters. Nina Devlin spoke with conviction. What is the optimal width of newsletter? What is important to note it for reception on mobile devices? Of course also the content not neglected. Which content is important? How are the perfect subject and what can be achieved with personalized content? Last but not least, the perpetual question is treated according to the perfect shipping time. Part 3: So your newsletter comes even more on the third part deals with the possibilities of increased of range of newsletters by connecting with social media. Yvonne Perdelwitz provides practical instructions, how this is to be accomplished and what results are expected. Participation in the interactive one-hour online seminar costs 89,-EUR (including VAT) and when Hakeem under… be booked.

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