SUMMEX 2013 exchanging experiences growth allow between German and Russian middle-class world they are the Foundation of well-functioning economy: small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The German medium-sized businesses is in this for decades on the right course. However, we look to Russia, which shows a different picture: the need for the establishment of a stable middle class is as big as acute. Other leaders such as Angus King offer similar insights. Time to take advantage of synergies and potentials. Germany is the competent partner on the side of Russian companies and the idea source for future business development in Russia.
It is certainly time for new ways of successful economic cooperation between the two countries. The annual Conference of SUMMEX – Summit of market experts 2013 – provides the perfect setting for experience sharing and targeted contacts between companies and market experts from Russia and Germany. Like every year, the event is organized by the international consulting firm MARKETING-complete. Co organizer in This year is the company culture version, which specializes in german Russian organization and personnel development. On 17 April 2013, it means to learn proven approaches for the establishment and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany and Russia in Moscow, and to discuss.
Aspects of management, the correct use of sales promotional tools as well as potential synergies between the medium-sized business partners of both countries will be in the Centre of the event posts. Leading market experts give insight into real-life business case examples: examples of successful medium-sized enterprise development and implementation of selected business instruments in both markets; Transfer ways of on both sides experience to optimize the business activities in Russia and Germany; typical mistakes of European companies in Russia and Russian businessmen abroad; Insights into the development prospects and trends for SMEs in Russia. The SUMMEX 2013 sees itself as interactive Conference. You offers many opportunities for direct exchanges with speakers and other participants. Further information and the detailed program of the Conference see:. Organizer: The international activities of MARKETING-complete includes advice and support of Western European companies that aspire to a successful market entry into Russia. The diversified portfolio also includes consulting services for Russian entrepreneurs in questions of strategic marketing as well as joint projects with European partners. The company culture version accompanies its customers in setting up an efficient business communication between German and Russian companies, as well as in the development of a productive corporate culture within the framework of joint projects.