Not A Bad Picture Of The Good Friend

“TimoCom supports image campaign ‘ truck friends on the road the TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH, provider of the Europe-wide leading cargo and freight exchange TC truck & cargo, as well as the online platform for freight tenders TC eBid, supports the image campaign of the friends on the road truck transport industry”. TimoCom is an active member and provides the transport barometer for Austria the initiative in addition online. Elephant race”, battered trucks on already clogged streets and sudden break out without warning if motorists about truck drivers talk, comes out often nothing positive here. “However, other road users, forget that just this annoying truck” that transport, what each of us needs daily. LogCom, a working group on the initiative of the Economic Chamber of Austria, is committed to the target to improve the image of the truck in public and to create a new understanding of self in the industry. Partner of the Transport industry as first German company supports TimoCom which worth initiated image campaign in Austria, such as Marcel Frings, Chief Representative of the company is: TimoCom is the partner for all those involved in the transport. Accordingly we want support of course wherever the industry, where it is possible. The action truck friends on the road”is a good thing, because it takes place there, where most conflicts between trucks and cars on the road.” How serious it is about TimoCom with the commitment, the company proves by it has become a full member of the sponsor organization LogCom.

It provides the transport barometer, the indicator of free capacities in international road freight transport, TimoCom online. So more visitors from the industry on the campaign website to be lured into. More than just marketing behind the initiative truck friends on the road”is much more than just an image campaign. LogCom offers in addition Traffic safety and competence coordinated education and projects. In addition, the interest group serves as a network among colleagues.

A successful concept that may be only a first step, finds Marcel Frings: with the truck friends on the road’-initiative did their homework for a steady improvement of the image to the transport industry. Now are the other road users. “They should contact a truck friends on the road’-saying remember when they again annoy trucks: the truck brings you daily need.

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