Why is the development package? First of all, to a number of other products assoiativnom only one type of packaging for one brand natalival, and even if the package is another brand consumer immediately turn it over those goods with which he had the association. All that certain element of psychology, which originated as a publicity stunt is not so long ago in the West, but in our countries appeared only at the beginning of zero. Sale Clothes necessarily provides a branded bag for her, that some will show their status or to show a brand exactly dressed for it. All this is a banal advertising, which in itself is actually more effective than even the meticulous advertising on TV. During the study, the latest package for the product manufacturers to take interest in a number of key factors. First, the latest packaging design must enhance the association with the product exist in the same manner. Second, the wrapper must be issued against the packaging of competitors.
Third, and probably the most basic – certainly informative packaging: a clear and sensible labels for customers, loyal response to customer content packaging. Fourth, analyzed and tested in the hocus-pocus-groups different graphics solutions: digit font, color gamma, graphics and contents, etc. In the process of reviewing and comparing different actual solutions, manufacturers of packages and boxes of make-sided court considered the greatest impact on this or another type of packaging solutions to advertising problems. The method itself consists of a packaging research several steps. In various companies he owns are any other additions, but in general it is allowed to outline like that. Fri is a unique initial idea, which gives management department. That way, as one of its objectives considered to test recent releases in this direction bazaar, the study of products of these companies, the role of exhibitions and conferences, the thought never conceived to empty spot.