
As well as appliances, things and services deteriorate, spend and/or break down for use, in the same way the words, phrases, promises and continuing threats are desgatan. Threats from delicate to fight with the couple themes express the desire to separate or divorce us. The first time it is mentioned, the effect is devastating and helps solve or stop the discussion. We can say that the threat took effect in 100%. I speak of effect because two questions arise to launch the threat really want to separate us? Is do just in case it not used as a weapon to point out the gravity of the matter? Resorting to the same threat on a second occasion diminishes its impact by 20% and so on until you pronounce it it not have any effect, transforming itself into a say. Loses strength and even the couple can taunt by saying once again you’re going to go out with the same refrain, you want to divorce.

Broken promises, words to the wind the constant promises concerning changes, compliance and enhancements such as: I swear that not it happens again, I promise that I’ll be more affectionate, I’ll change my attitude etc when they are uttered and the passage of time they are not executed, every unfulfilled promise becomes a lie. It comes a time when others turn a deaf ear to our oaths. Consequences not executed to establish impossible unreal consequences with children meet (already never gonna go out with your friends) or momentary threats now if I’m going to punish and they are in the wind, impact on a lack of discipline and credibility with the children. The children take us measurement to know that do not run the actions mentioned in the words. Loss in the universe when the words, promises, pronounced threats do not translate into actions, are released into the air was lost in the universe. Pronounce them is just easy, take them and run them requires another effort. The words United actions are that remain. If you really want to separate you tell it and pack your belongings. If you’re going to punish your child for the Sin express it and executes the result. If you promise to change, seeks as, because is buying a book, asking friends, attending therapy don’t let that words take the wind and with them your credibility!

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