
People who have worked a lifetime wish, of course, also ensure a certain quality of life in old age. You should rely not only on the statutory pension insurance. It is recommended as soon as possible, make provisions and private. In recent years, the private pension insurance by the steady cuts in the state sector gained much importance. The pension system exists in many possible ways to enable all potential policyholders, the desired supply.

Important as is the clarification of voting capital, bonus, pension and pension guarantee. Services and of course prices are also very different. By means of the Riester pension is funded by the private Vorsoge legislature recently active. Private provision is funded. This means that your savings plus interest will be paid back to you. The payment can be used as one-time amount or in place of a lifelong pension. This is the reason why returns are higher for private provision than in the state.

The main types of private pension plans are: * private pension funds * Bank savings plans * investment funds play an important role in choosing the right pension insurance your: * Return requests * risk *, and personal preferences when choosing the right insurer can give you an insurance comparison be very helpful. Your care is assured in the future on the state pension, but it will not be able to keep your former life standard upright. Depends on personal circumstances, the state pension has now reached 50-70 percent of average income. It is recommended to cover the remaining 30 percent to 50 percent with the completion of a private pension scheme. In the event of death of the policyholder is paid to the accumulated pension capital to the person specified in the agreement. In this case, the granted allowances, and additional tax benefits will be recovered. This also applies to a payment after the payout phase.


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