‘secure download’ with encrypted transmission no volume limit of the file mikado soft feel significantly increasing demand for higher protection of information in the E-Mail delivery Berlin in the market, Jan – the transmission of confidential information over the Internet by email is acceptable only via an email connection secured by encryption. Because many companies have no appropriate infrastructure, they enter every time a high risk, if you send sensitive information such as quotes, engineering documents and analyses emailed. Also the size of E-Mail attachments is generally limited. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jim Rogers has to say. If such a file with a volume of over 50 MB should be sent, the user in the use of the mail system usually has a problem. With secure download”the security specialist, mikado soft offers the user the possibility to provide confidential information over the Internet. As opposed to an E-Mail transmission, the transmission is encrypted. Limiting the size of the to transferring file is given only by the limitations of the user browser.
It informs the user about any access to the data provided immediately. This procedure can be used both to send and to receive data. The integrity of the downloaded files can be verified using checksums (MD5 or SHA1). Also offers secure download”the possibility, through an once hosting Web-frontend-areas in the demilitarized zone DMZ of the company for a targeted and secure data exchange to provide. The system is licensed by number of internal users. It is scalable for one, ten, hundred, or any number of users.
This hosting range is limited and the access from the outside via a link with a password protectable. This field can either be set for providing or receiving data. One of the system requirements, that installs the software as a Web application on Apache Web server (version 2.2). It is PHP version 5.2 required, in addition, the system must be accessible over the Internet and have a valid certificate.