Save Energy

Heating costs permanently low stop while outside temperatures are colder, rising rapidly in the interiors. It is however worth to take the setting of the heating thermostat exactly in appearances. Finally be less room temperature with every degree save energy up to six percent! The Internet portal reveals how is properly heated in the winter. The views of the heating costs can be many Germans groan in. However, rising energy costs and missing thermal insulations are not the only evil.

The burning behaviour often has a decisive influence on the height of the energy bills in the winter. The installation of so-called energy saving controls is worth to waste any energy. With the devices, fixed times where want to be heated, and constant temperature can be adjusted. Up to 20% energy can be saved with the acquisition. The cost of the devices is 30 euro each and are worthwhile so quickly. The frost protection position (asterisk) can be adjusted at long absense.

It should not be but colder than 12 degrees Celsius in the interiors. This would draw neighbouring apartments damaged, consume too much energy during the heating up and may cause mold. It is important to vent the heater and regularly check the water pressure of the system. For Windows: more often shock airing, rather than flip over night. Experts recommend room temperatures of 20 C for living, dining and work rooms and 22 C for the bathroom. In the bedroom and the kitchen already 16 to 18 C are sufficient. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

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