Senior Abraham

Senior one became to the catholicism the 1492 taking the last name Colonel. From Senior Abraham the erasmistas theologians and humanists Antonio and Luis Nez descend great Spanish intellectual figures among them Colonel, as well as specialistic Pablo Colonel in Talmudic studies, translator of the Complutensian bible. The Colonel of Petty thief representing one parodia of the reality of the time, does not demonstrate great intellectuals and lets see through all acts the cowardice, the social-climbing and the lack of nobility that according to the author arrange with the genetic nature of a Jew. One more a way disguised to allude to false hidalgua is the introduction in the work of the personage of Don Toribio, that initially appears like a ruined horseman later to leave in the open its origin uncertain: First it has to know that in the Court it always has most foolish and wisest, richer and poorer, and the ends of all the things; that he disguises the bad ones and he hides the good ones, and that in her I are sorts of people like, who does not know movable root nor, nor another stock them from which they descend tales1 the Clergy jointly with the cavalry orders had characterized itself by the severity of election of his aspirings, nevertheless, in many occasions were abiertos to processes of investigation from the Inquisicin by suspicions of catholic priests with tendencies cripto-beans. The false cristiandad and the assumption in the Clergy of people with origin I talk is alluded directly by means of two personages: Dmine Goat and the clergyman poet. Dmine Goat is a personage who Quevedo has introduced to represent some stereotypes that the Spanish society granted the Jews: The avarice, the badness and the lie. Goat owns a Jewish last name and in addition it acts camalenicamente like Jew (according to the characteristics that Quevedo wishes to grant the Jews) adding bacon to his plates to be confused with the old woman Christians and mezquinando the things elementares to its pupilos until bringing about the death of one of them: It died the young poor man, enterramosle for being very poorly foreign, and we were all asombrados2.


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