SEO and Tourism in Zaragoza

Fernando Macia, director, will participate as a speaker at the University of Zaragoza with a session that will take place on June 17, 2007 to 21 hours in the Technological Park Walqa. In it, Fernando Macia talk about search engine optimization of websites related to tourism activities. The proposed agenda for the session by the Master Fernando Macia analyze the different aspects that must be taken into account in attracting traffic to a website: Initial Approach to Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Usability, Content Management and Social networks. After participating at the end of last March at Fair Online Stores II of Aragon, Aragones organized by the Centre of Information Society, the Director of MEBA, Alfonso Lopez Vinegla decided afresh with Human Level Communications, this time for the V Master in Electronic Business Management. Learn more at: Lakshman Achuthan. About the Master in Electronic Administration The University of Zaragoza companies organized for the fifth consecutive year the Masters in Electronic Business Management, a master who tries to train professionals in various fields. In a world where companies are increasingly digital, the professionals who have integrated more and more inexcusably dominate the information technology and communication, the impact they have on business functions, as well as the new legal framework e-commerce.

Thanks to its multidisciplinary nature, the V Master in Business Administration Electronics is focused on different profiles of students, both technical and social fields. About Human Level Communications Human Level Communications, a Spanish consulting pioneer in the application of web optimization techniques, and performance analysis. For more information see this site: New York Highlanders. She has managed SEO and SEM campaigns in multiple languages for companies in several countries. Domene Fernando Macia is the founder and Director. He has developed numerous websites companies and institutions, as well as search engine optimization projects most ambitious to date in Spain: The official tourism website of Spain within the public sector, and Microsoft business portal in speaking to the private sector. He is coauthor, with Javier Gosende, Search Engine Positioning, the first book in Spanish on the subject. Digital Marketing teaches in several programs FUNDESEM Master of Business School and participates in conferences and seminars nationally and internationally.


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