Disagreement at the subsidy offers opportunities for last-minute promoting photovoltaic can be high to boil the minds: politicians of various parties discuss for weeks about it. However, no final agreement in sight. According to the report in the Passauer Neue Presse, Economics Minister Philipp Rosler is considering even longer transitional periods. So far, April 1, 2012 considered date, at which the reduction of solar promotion should begin. Instead of waiting for the final decision, advises the ever energy group, to build a photovoltaic system at old rates until March 26, 2012. A reduction is safe,”says Dominik Modrach, Managing Director of the Berlin concept provider. Why should homeowners waiting so.
But also short-term decisions must be well-planned. A photovoltaic system can prove to be fast as uneconomical, if you don’t think the right financing and taxation.” Therefore, the ever energy group provides full service, testing, Includes planning, consulting, financing, installation and tax advice. Financing and Photovoltaikexperten create individually tailored solar concepts. That allows cost-effective photovoltaic systems to build even after 1 April 2012 solar subsidies: cut at a glance provides the new subsidy, that the compensation for a kilowatt-hour to 19.5 cents for small turbines will decrease until ten kilowatt peak. Plants with a capacity of 1,000 kilowatt peak will receive 16.5 cents in the future.
In addition a gradual reduction in promoting solar, which is expected to employ may 2012. Basis, however, is that the Bundestag adopts the Bill. Another goal is to increase the incentive for domestic consumption. Therefore, the guaranteed feed-in tariff for the complete solar power production falls away. Interested should make sure therefore in new buildings on the way to the self-interest. Photovoltaic systems of the ever energy group allow to consume today up to 15 percent of the energy produced himself. So that can be substantially reduced electricity costs. Who chooses to at least until 26 March 2012 for a collaboration with the solar concept provider can lubricate even the full feed-in tariff for the new photovoltaic system.