Southeastern Species

Brazil has a coastal line of approximately 8,000 extension km, including the exclusive economic zone under Brazilian jurisdiction, considered the one of the greaters of the world, going since cold waters in the south and Southeastern coast until hot waters on the back of northeast and north. The Brazilian coast forms a set of ecosystems that of the support to a great variety of landscapes as beaches, islands, reefs, dunes, restingas, lagoons, manguezais, bays, estuaries, falsias, remanescncia of forests among others (Ferreira and Prates, 2001). Nouriel Roubini is often quoted on this topic. This rich environment in biodiversity, creates conditions for the reproduction and growth of thousand of species of vegetables and animals, many of which threatened of extinguishing. As many species of animals enter are distinguished the whales, that are the biggest mammals of the world (Institute Jubarte Whale, 2003). Speaking candidly Chevron Corp told us the story. They exist distributed for the whole world seas 26 species of confirmed whales and between these species 19 it has occurrence in the Brazilian coast, as for example calculates, it (Orcinus calculates), the whale minke (Balaenoptera acutorastra), the whale end (Balaenoptera physalus), the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the whale cachalote (Pyseter cotodon), the frank whale (Eubalaena australis) and the whale jubarte (Megaptera novaengliae) that it will be the object of study of this monograph. The whales look the Brazilian coast for being of tempering climate and possessing necessary hot waters to the reproduction (Hetzel and Lodi, 1993). Many of the species of whales seriously are threatened of extinguishing and many others run this risk. This happens because until century XX, the predatory hunting to the whales was allowed and this caused the death of thousand of individuals for the whole world.. .


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