Tag Archives: the present time


Like many around all the Web, all want to be the first in the finders main element to take into account is that at the time of constructing a page several factors exist to take in considering so that this … Continue reading


Weight Loss Foods

So many foods exist as ways to prepare them, and you know that it well, if you are especially an assiduous visitor of Freealfin, but exist foods whose consumption is very important for our organism, helping not only to our … Continue reading



First of all, the secret resides in the moderation Comma to taste, but without excesses. It takes into account that 1 tamale of pig has 400 calories (almost a complete lunch) and 1 tamale of chicken, green or sweet calories … Continue reading

General , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Social Marketing

Marketing is a peculiar discipline, that tries to work with the rigor of mathematical the extremely human subjects, like the personal tastes, preferences and decisions. For assistance, try visiting Jonah Shacknai. Some of the things to which the marketineros are … Continue reading


North American

The bad thing is when the money finishes. The rest of history we know it to us, although soon the markets, the damn speculators, the Illuminati will possibly be the guilty, the Mayans and by all means, Charito the guard … Continue reading


Italian Water

It is located on a set of islands that extends in a marshy homonymous lagoon in the Adriatic Sea, between the mouths of the rivers Po (South), and Piave (North), in the northeast of Italy. Venice is composed by 120 … Continue reading


Local Office

Yesterday, the case against Paula Lagos judicializ through a denunciation of an ex- student of Maip, today of 40 years, who presented/displayed an accusation in the Local Office of the public prosecutor against Paula Lagos by sexual abuses. What until … Continue reading


Senior Abraham

Senior one became to the catholicism the 1492 taking the last name Colonel. From Senior Abraham the erasmistas theologians and humanists Antonio and Luis Nez descend great Spanish intellectual figures among them Colonel, as well as specialistic Pablo Colonel in … Continue reading


Client Loyalty

A often little considered aspect is the one of the loyalty of the clients. The reality is that, nowadays, to close each sale a battle can be considered as won. The competition is very strong, at the same time as … Continue reading


Spanish Representative

What supposes to be one of the 15 better European partners and to be between the 63 best ones at world-wide level. Cesser has been recognized with the maximum world-wide distinction in channel of partners of Microsoft Dynamics, by its … Continue reading
