Technical Attendance

To extend the service of library. To incorporate technological innovations in the area of computer science. To identify itself with the offer of the courses online, virtual classrooms.

To maintain a climate propitious, to develop the academic activities. 10. To form and to extend a list of trainers that support the academic action. To maintain one more a more dynamic vinculain with the sector enterprise and another organism, with the community, government, State.

It must the school of Administration, to identify itself more with the relevance, reach that the knowledge causes to use the investigation. The investigation constitutes a generator of the knowledge and means to give answer to the changes, for which the following policies settle down: To cause that Faculty, School, it is generating center of investigation through the Departments and Chairs. To stimulate the research activity. To form the human resource to incorporate it to the investigation areas. To orient the investigation towards the high-priority areas of national, regional and local interest. To support the participation of the investigators in national and international events. Also it is very important that the school uses the reach, the advantages that are generated of knowing how to make use of the Extension, wanting to in this way say, that the extension has as an aim, to establish I tie between the influence area as much of of the Faculty of Phases, like of the same School in terms of culture, formation of human resources and solution of problems related to the disciplines of economic and social sciences, through the following specific tasks: To promote extension activities towards the groups plaintiffs. To determine the requirements of extension to design the projects of teaching in Investigation. To enable the human resource to carry out works of extension. To promote the product of our programs of formation, on the basis of the requirements demanded by the communities. . To humanize to the School, developing and maintaining green the areas recreational to facilitate the cultural and sport activities. Definitively, these three aspects, investigation, Teaching and Extension, endorsed by their respective attachment lines and of policies, allow the projection of the School like an excellence center, where with rigor these three inherent functions are executed that are to him a its nature.


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