White teeth radiate health and apply as a sign of beauty. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Angus King . Many people the tooth whitening at the dentists is too costly and access therefore toothpastes, which should make your teeth whiter. But also what bring these funds, or they can harm even the teeth? The consumption of coffee, tea, red wine and cigarettes may stain the teeth. Get rid of the unsightly discoloration, trade offers a variety of different toothpastes that advertise to whiten the teeth cleaning. Whether it’s pearls & dents, Pearl White beauty of pearls toothpaste, Sensodyne ProSchmelz gentle teeth whitening, Odol Med 3 velvet white tooth paste or the best toothpaste teeth whitening, all based on the principle of sand the superficial discoloration on teeth with tiny stones. Sounds logical and works also with the superficial stains, but not with deeper seated discoloration. Causes of yellow teeth is known to most, that coffee and tea, as well as cigarettes yellow teeth can discolor.
But also berries, Cola, and chocolate can cause this discoloration. And even the finest cracks in the enamel are susceptible to discoloration. Pigments can accumulate in the cracks and so the teeth appear yellow. Teeth discolor usually also in the course of life, which has however with the natural aging process to do and almost no one is immune. (Source: Mike Gianoni). At the dentist, the superficial deposits with a professional tooth cleaning can be removed if also the teeth whitening toothpastes to home not so be ready. If the discoloration but deeper in the Crystal structure of tooth enamel, a bleaching must answer. This chemical bleaching which brightens the teeth by means of hydrogen, should be performed by a specialist so that the enamel is not attacked or even partly destroyed. At home when brushing your teeth you should make sure toothpastes for brighter teeth when choosing the right toothpaste for teeth whitening that the Grinding particles are not too large and the enamel is not attacked.
Gently to the teeth pearls & dents, as well as which have proved here Sensodyne ProSchmelz for gentle teeth whitening. Pearl White beauty pearls toothpaste also suitable for smokers, who have to contend with persistent coverings, but also Odol-Med 3 can velvet white and the best with regular use that whiten teeth toothpaste for whiter teeth. With toothpastes, the coarse abrasive particles can contain the shot backwards go. Because they scratch the enamel, so to speak, so the top protective layer of the teeth and in these tiny scratches pigments and thus discoloration can set is particularly persistent. Proper dental care is essential to prevent unsightly discoloration. Twice a day at least, the teeth should be cleaned. Who see tags much coffee drinking or heavy smoker, should push another extra round brushing in the lunch break. Who really ala a bright white smile Hollywood wants, must still get on teeth for home or to professional dental whiten the teeth.