The Easiest Way To Cope With Anxiety

There are many ways to get rid of anxiety, we now consider the most simple, yet highly effective psychological techniques. But before you go to most technology, I'll tell you about one psychological mechanism that underlies anxiety. When we experience fear, we want to hide, to shrink. So we start to think that we were very young, vulnerable, and that puts pressure on us – the great, dark and incomprehensible. Conversely, if we feel comfortable if we are happy and well – we feel great, wide-open, open.

But what if we look at this mechanism in mirroring? So, if we feel "young", then automatically there is fear, emotional discomfort (the sole exception – the state of security, which can give loved and loving person). And if we feel "big" – we feel free and ease, it gives us a sense of emotional comfort. Now it's time to draw conclusions. What does it take to get rid of anxiety and fear? You just need to be able to feel 'big'. After all, if we feel 'Large', then we simply have nothing to fear. Imagine yourself the size of the universe What can you threaten? Nothing.

You are invulnerable, And how to do it? How to expand your space as to feel "great"? Vision On work, at home and even outside we look at objects that are nearby. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sam Feldman. Of course, if, as the saying goes, we see nothing but his own nose, we are psychologically narrows. What to do? It remains only a long walk, in the which time you will look into the distance. After leaving the house, look around, first side, and then gradually increase the scope of her vision rumor you've never heard a good game bell-ringer? Learn to follow sound, let your perception to go where sent to the sound. And the sounds around so many! With equal success, you can hear the whistle of air in the subway car and the music of Bach or Mozart. Close your eyes and listen. Not throw sound halfway and meet and see off him. Smell and physical sensations To broaden your space, you can focus on the pleasant smell sensation of wind gusts, rain drops falling on the person, etc. Do not skimp on the perception, it makes you "big" and eliminates the anxiety. Look into the distance, to listen to the movement of sound, feel your body – and you forget about what is anxiety. Specific recommendations 1.Vo, 45 -90-minute walk direct his gaze at distant objects at a distance of more than one kilometer away from you. Stop at the reservoirs and at the crossroads with the future prospects. Within 3 – 5 minutes looking into the distance alternately in all directions. Look at the rooftops and the sky, watch the movement of clouds. 2.Turn off my eyes and listened to the hushed sounds natural. For example: singing birds, rustling leaves, babbling brook, the noise river waves or music. One session should be at least 30 minutes. 3.Osoznavayte all their movements in prostanstve, walking, running, movement of the hands while eating, head turning, breath, etc. – Whatever you're doing. Experience the dynamism of life.


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