It is lying shamelessly, it is with the greatest cynicism. You will tells you in your face that is you deceives, as if you provocasen, as if they wanted to make sure you’re a real jerk. What are looking for? I speak of the great powers of the world, abusing people. Mediating organizations and canalizadoras world, institutionalized crime, crime, genocide, the ventajismo, the power of one. Trying to make the world a reality ethnocentric. Condemning cultures, proposing wars of civilizations, narcoterrozidando to the ORB, to paint as best to hold it, divide it, break it, manipulate it, govern what the UN, the NATO, the IAEA, G8, WTO, the OAS in our vicinity, in the service of one side, permanently demonizing instead, as if in fact the contrary was that, demons, anything related to the species of merecible extermination also. Does does does not censor the UN crimes of their own (do happened to conviction and sanctions on Israel for the massacre?), the IAEA does not mess with pumps manufactured by the good side (yours), saves the G8 to banks and the capitalist model and not savers, it does the same thing the WTO, and the OAS in our farms have just discovered? say? the paramilitarism in Colombia, this dazzling colony of the United States, country head this? by didn’t you? the good side of the ethnocentric, of the predestinadamente chosen area.
Others are Satanic: North Korea, China, Iran, Belarus, Venezuela, Bolivia, until Palestinians almost wiped out, etc. Cannot last much lies open and its humiliating effect, and so I say, with pessimism, the world is poised to an explosion. Much there already of slave who has developed awareness of the master that spurs him, and everywhere spaces rebels against the old hegemonies, sort of political earthquakes are generated. There are three problems terrible of mankind, where the lie on a daily basis is exercised, cynicism as a rule, on the one hand, but where, also, on the other hand, accumulate large energies of protest outrageous for those who tend to be trampled and insurgen: (1) the climate and environmental topic, (2) the political model and (3) weapons of mass destruction. Big cynical and deceivers of the world are rolled back the obligations of care for the habitat, on behalf of its peculiarity existential (obligations are for assholes), persist in presenting us as healthy a political-economic model in debacle (capitalism, with all that that implies in slavery and poverty) and, finally, are allowed to make ostentation of 5,113 nuclear warheads that are in storage, in addition to the thousands who remain sown in different spaces. World pump, thus internally humiliated in their intelligence and at the same time Shivering in your own reaction and dignity, which shall be the price of her awakening. As shown, an unambiguous pessimistic about war and human dignity, as emotional factors in convulsion.