Monthly Archives: December 2012

Builds Credibility

Submit your own articles to articles directories is a tactic proven as one of the strategies that work best to advertise on search engines. It is always convenient to use other strategies to promote themselves on the internet.However, it is … Continue reading


Great Fisherman

One day I was fishing in Juacuba, Ecoporanga, the place called three tumbles. She was my deceased grandmother there Miguel Briti, Miguelim of the Zaias, the Izaias, the Josias of the pharmacy and other relatives. Mine I negotiate was not … Continue reading


Senior Abraham

Senior one became to the catholicism the 1492 taking the last name Colonel. From Senior Abraham the erasmistas theologians and humanists Antonio and Luis Nez descend great Spanish intellectual figures among them Colonel, as well as specialistic Pablo Colonel in … Continue reading


The Bows

The familiar convivncia is essential factor for the individual development of the child. It is where it starts to construct its history of life, its identity. It is of the family who will receive the influence from moral values and … Continue reading
