American Psychologist Willard Harley

According to the American Psychologist Willard Harley married life depends on the basic needs of both men and women. If any one of these needs is not being recognized, a marriage can provide crack. What are these needs? For women it is, above all, location, attachment and love. This is the cornerstone of marriage. When a husband shows his location, he thus translates to his wife: 'I'll take care of and protect you. " This gives her a sense of tranquility, security and confidence. For the manifestation of affection, love the location and there are many ways: it is an expression of tenderness, and phone calls, and invitation to the theater or a restaurant, and walk, and even a simple hand delivery at the exit of transport.

All these tokens of appreciation are very important for women. The second basic need in married life is conversation. Women need him much more than usually confident man. But not all, of course. For example, Janusz Wisniewski – a popular Polish writer, who became famous for his novel "Loneliness in the net ', as well as doctor of chemistry and microbiologist, says that the recipe for marital happiness – conversations that 90% and 10% of sex: 'It is not required close contact to start the chemical reactions in the brain.

I firmly believe that – in the heart of any novel is the word. " So the man, which gives enough time for it to talk to the woman, quickly finds the way to her heart and the longer it remains. Third basic need of marriage for women is the honesty and openness. Women should be fully trust my husband. If the husband does not adhere to honest and open communication with his wife, he undermines her trust and destroys the sense of security. The fourth requirement – the financial obligations. My wife needs financial support, regardless of how she was successful. The fifth requirement – family commitments. It is unlikely that a woman will be happy in marriage if her husband is completely eliminated from the family and did not support her in a difficult parent role. Men have their basic needs in marriage. Sexual satisfaction – one of the principal. Often women do not understand the deep need in men sex, as well as the men do not understand the deep needs of their wives' love and affection. The second basic need is a fellowship of men at rest and entertainment. A man needs his wife to acted As a partner, or at least share his enthusiasm. The attractiveness of the wife – this is another basic need of men. And finally, the comfort of home, which gives men a sense of peace and tranquility. When these basic needs of married life are met, neither the husband nor the wife there is no temptation to look to the side. Do you agree with the conclusions of scientists, and that tells you your own experience? Based on what your family whales well-being? Discuss this subject can be, leaving a comment.

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