
When initiating this report, the first step was to literally search the concept of education and formation: ' ' Education: Act or effect to educate (-); Process of development of the physical, intellectual and moral capacity of the child and the human being in general, aiming at to its better individual and social integration; preparation, instruction, education; Integral perfectioning of all the facultieses human beings; Practical knowledge and of the uses of sociedade.' ' (Aurlio Dictionary) ' ' Formation: Act, effect or way to form; Constitution, character; Way why a mentality, a character, or a knowledge consisted profissional.' ' (Aurlio Dictionary) Through the concept, we perceive that the education has a formation character, of configuration of the human being in accordance with its principles, values and meanings of one social formation. In the formation of an individual a project is articulated that if constructs in intentional way and from the experiences acquired throughout the life. The permanent education according to author is about the dynamic process that takes care of to the necessities to grow more and of being, always present in the human beings. This is become fullfilled in the passage of the life of the individuals, in the different instances and spaces of which they participate and in the historical time where they are inserted, as much in the formal spaces as in the not-deeds of division. It is the learning in the work, where learning and teaching if they incorporate the daily one of the organizations and the work. Mike Wirth understands that this is vital information. It is based on the significant learning and the possibility to transform the practical professionals. The permanent education can be understood as learning-work, that is, it happens in the daily one of people of the organizations.

It is made from the problems faced in the reality and takes in consideration the knowledge and the experiences that the people already have. Already how much to the formation, its concept is on to the work of the professor and while the exactly professional production of itself. The concept of the author if inside opens for the dimension of the individual growth of the professor in its relation with the social group the one that belongs and of the possibilities of access to the knowledge. Thus, the professional formation has its first indications in the family, in the social classroom of origin, the possibilities of school and cultural goods the one that has access. It has continuation in the relations of work and the construction of the professional identity. In this text, the idea is developed of that the continuous formation accumulates of stocks the set of activities developed for us, professors in exercise, with objective formative, in the direction of preparing in them for the accomplishment of our current activities or other news that if they place in the places where we work. The continuous formation engloba the set of the activities of formation developed the initial formation after and that they become fullfilled throughout all the teaching career, in the most varied spaces and with a countless number of partners. Any process of continuous formation must consider the conditions of life, work and free time that the necessary professor to have for the access to the enrichment of experiences and cultural goods. This formation is become fullfilled in the dialectic, that is, in the dialogue or the quarrel, and has the school as lcus of reference, therefore it is in it that the professor works and carries through its professional development.


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