Baseline Medical Examination

Developments on the current situation in Russia shows that the formation of production teams, ensuring high-quality human resources are crucial factors in the effectiveness of production and competitiveness. As rationally choose personnel how to reduce the rotation of personnel, how to create optimal conditions for the work of people like to predict, calculate the costs associated with notorious ‘human factor’? These are questions that are increasingly asking themselves the leaders. And prof. Inspection plays a vital role. This is especially true of large enterprises with staff from 1000. Enough recall the recent epidemic of dysentery in the south erupted in connection with the fact that among the employees of one of the dairies of the Stavropol Territory was not identified carriers of the disease. The result: 1200 patients, undermining reputation of the plant and as a result of penalties, huge losses, a significant loss of sales markets. This would not have happened if the plant in a timely and competently performed medical examinations.

It is also worth pay attention to the fact that coming to work, fearing the negative conclusion of the doctor concerning the admission of the enterprise, trying to hide from him with a condition that often leads to an exacerbation of the process, Economic losses due to downtime, facilitates the development of Pathology.


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