
In another case, a prismatic brightness of 8×30 will have a 3'8, while another of 8×56 binoculars will result in a luminosity of 7, and a prismatic brightness 10×21 will be 2'1. As a general principle, the brightness values below 3.5 are considered low, and indicate that the prismatic optical performance in low light will certainly be poor, thus not being given to applications that require clarity of picture or good vision in some shadows. If the brightness index is between 3'5-4 the resulting values can be considered as normal, with binoculars with a light output sufficient for many uses. Binoculars with values greater than 4 to 5, can be classified as light, and its theoretical performance in low light is already high. Finally, brightness values greater than 5, especially those close to 6-7, are certainly very bright, being optimal performance in low light. In short, if what we need are binoculars choose light brightness values above 5, whereas if our requirements are less stringent in this regard can choose models with lower theoretical light output. It should be noted however, and importantly, that treatments of optical lenses and the quality of them (depending on the quality of the binoculars) can significantly improve the brightness of binoculars, although its theoretical rate (numeric) is low. Thus, on the market, eg binoculars, 10×40, brightness and optical quality than other models of 10×42 and even 10×50, which in theory should be more luminous. These improvements are usually accompanied by optical price increases proportionately, but therein lies the quality of the binoculars.


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