Brazilian Geography

In Brazil the diffusion of neopositivista Geography had its methods and techniques of you analyze employed from the Seventies used for the IBGE, therefore always it had a concern with the systematization of the existing regionalizao at the time and that if it developed in the period postwar period that was urban/the industrialization that brought as consequncia the disequilibria between the regions making with that the quantitative elements technician served of base for the planning of the regional scales space being possible optimum knowledge of the same one, thus spreading out neopositivista geography in all national scope therefore was from these uses that it found subsidies for if developing, although very before the Seventies already existed favorable indications for the process of planning of the Brazilian territory that it propitiated the computational scientific knowledge of the time. Restaurant Michael Schwartz does not necessarily agree. Amongst the Brazilian agencies that had helped to spread out positivista geography is the charged IBGE to organize information of interest of the government and acted/acts as agency specialized in you vary managements routinely, being marked by cartographic routines and statistical points of great relevance of the institute giving have inside supported the great enterprises in the executive sphere, as internalization, settling and diverse regional studies beyond dealing with pointers partner? economic apprehending, identifying and differentiating the regions, therefore to know Brazil it was necessary that the gegrafos worked with computational techniques mathematical and so that this occurred the IBGE promoted comings of foreign gegrafos for Brazil to give courses on them varies geographic techniques that appeared at the time, making possible the interaction of national Geography with the International, with this the Institute started to divulge the works of Brazilian gegrafos internationally. I had in Brazil plus a diffusing group of neopositivista geography I had also been the gegrafos of the College of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of River Claro-SP that today is one campi of the UNESP, where some professors led for Cristofoleti had studied and passed to divulge innumerable works in the one of the neopositivista chain and them in it assimiladores had been alone nor spreaders they had also leavend vary of the theoretical ideas quantificantes techniques of the geography that allowed the foundation of the Association of Geografia Teortica (AGETEO) that it was a flag in favor of the quantification and of neopositivista geography as a whole, the AGETEO exists until today and in directing of this diffusion of new geography exists some responsible gegrafos for a spreading of the same one and most important the College of River Claro-SP belonged and to the IBGE and had been extremely important in the consolidation of Neopositivista Geography in Brazil.


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