As a result of it, the pro-government candidate of Cardoso, Jose Serra, lost the presidential elections of the 2002, at the hands of if, of Lula da Silva. Lula papa insists on teaching to Cristina who the power problem is due to face the seriousness of the case and assuming the responsibilities. With declarations like: ” When we spoke of energy is necessary to locate it like a problem of the 21st century and the region. From some means one considered that the energy was only a problem that happened in Argentina and then it was a planning question or of lack of management and always scaring whereupon the catastrophe he was imminent and was in favor of suceder” , Cristina does not make another thing that to desentender itself of the responsibilities. Perhaps of account of the mistaken thing that was with this position in the next elections (for which time is lacked enough).
The will of a propose structural solution by Lula clearly is materialized in the agreement of joint investment between the three countries of US$ 15,000 million to construct five dams. The three altogether between Brazil and Argentina and two rest between Brazil and Bolivia. At the same time Argentina and Brazil, given the urgency of the case, decided to shorten to the terms for the construction of the hydroelectric dam binational Garab, being useful the course the Uruguay river that share. The outstanding behind this news is that Brazil has decided to put itself to the front of the power problem, which assures that Argentina, something applies to solutions basic to the question that by itself was not very probable that it carries out. So far, while we hoped that these solutions are materialized, and as Alvaro Alzogaray said to the engineer: Hay to pass the winter.