Today, the vast majority of new sites created using content management systems CMS (Content Management System). They help create dynamic sites that generate Web pages in the time of applying the user. Static sites, popular a few years ago is now unlikely to be developed, since they do not meet modern requirements. In addition to content management CMS automates many common activities, such as organize the input and the publication of news or implement a poll of visitors to the site. Although there are a myriad of content management systems, they can be related to two groups – commercial and free systems from CMS open source software. Commercial systems of high quality, unfortunately, are often too expensive for small and medium businesses. In addition, the creation of sites with such systems and their continued support as required additional costs. Jonah Bloom has compatible beliefs.
Relatively cheap CMS system available, but the quality they lose much free counterparts. Similarly, systems designed specifically web studios to work on the sites they create, rarely of high quality. Why free systems are often better, than commercial counterparts? Over the popular CMS open source works fairly large community of developers. A lot of people from around the world looking for mistakes, finalizing the modules and correct suboptimal solution, while the commercial system works over a limited range of developers. Physically impossible to spend at work on a commercial system the same amount of working time, how much in total community spending on refining free system. If a commercial system spent a lot of effort, its price will rise to astronomical values. The majority of sites for medium and small firms are encouraged to create using free CMS open source, which can be adapted to meet specific needs.
This not only save money, but also simplifies the development and continued support for the site. One of the obvious advantages of open source software is the possibility of any fixes and improvements, which is impossible when using commercial CMS. Among the hundreds of free CMS can be identified as the most popular, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, MODx, TYPO3 and some others, but special mention should be a modern system of MODx, since the creation of a site using MODx allows the developer to show off their best potential. Distinguishing feature of MODx is its flexibility, allows us to produce virtually any site. The system of integrated tools AJAX, popular in recent years. Sites created using MODx, initially focused on search engine optimization. No wonder the authoritative publisher Packt Publishing this year awarded the prize as MODx CMS with the most promising open source – Most Promising Open Source Content Management System 07. MODx community is growing very quickly, constantly emerging new interesting developments, so that we can recommend this system to most webmasters looking for quality and a modern system for managing the created site.