The larger the party, the cheaper the product, so customers bought packages of the party from 1000. Dara Khosrowshahi has many thoughts on the issue. By selling a simple package for 1-2p, we get 600 000 rubles "dirty" or 000r 100 "clean" in a month. It is not something Angus King would like to discuss. But that's not all. The main income from manufacturing and trade sales – the application of printing. Print package allows you to increase the selling price at least 2 times. For example, the cost of 1000 colored packages 5500r. Many stores or outlets need packages with a logo that has 2-3 times the cost increases. Your customers would benefit because the packages they use as an advertising medium.
Them more profitable to pay you 10 000 rubles for advertising, which will see 100% of the target potential customer than to pay a monthly minimum of 15-20 thousand for the rental of only one billboard, which will see it is not clear who. Supermarkets spend a day up to 1000 packages. In principle, will be enough to have clients local supermarkets to provide you with work and sales. Logos and supermarkets will add another 200 000r per month into your coffers. Total net profit of 300 or 10 000 000r ve per month. It turns out this form business as a production package, pays for a year. The raw materials you can use plastic waste, thus helping the city to dispose of garbage and its disposal.
City Administration will be only too happy. Of course, the paper turns everything went smoothly, and the initial amount of 100 000ue embarrassing. However, there is a solution. You can work with the company for the production of plastic bags as an agent by entering into agreements with customers and have a percentage of each party. Using materials reference to article on this site. .