Civiles has been denounced by the Union of Guardias (UGC). He was hunted by a movable radar the 26 of January of 2010. The Guard argues that she persecuted to a vehicle that had occurred to the flight. The Civil Guard affirms that the captain did not drive the car that went to 207 km/h. More information is housed here: visit website. The captain of Civil Guard and j of the detachment of Traffic of Soria, Claudius Argello, has been denounced by the Union of Guardias Civiles (UGC) to drive a patrol car to 207 kilometers per hour, according to has explained in press conference the national secretary of the union of the Meritorious one, Manuel Mato. The denunciation, according to has explained Manuel Mato, has transacted in the Court of Instruction number two of Soria, the Court Military Magistrate.
According to the narration of the facts of the UGC, the captain it was surprised the 26 of January of 2010 by a movable radar in a section of the railcar of Navarre (A-15) between Soria and Lubia, concretely kilometer 61. The denunciation the past interposed Wednesday which had, according to I kill, to that the controls " they have not acted in all this tiempo". The Union of Civil Guards has assured that when the captain was surprised by the radar it returned on his steps and it tried to explain his excess of speed to the patrol of the Civil Guard, arguing whom it persecuted to a vehicle that had occurred to the flight. In addition, it inspected the radar. The UGC has denounced to the captain and considers that if had persecuted to another vehicle it had taken the pertinent siren.
" We are speaking of the top person in charge of the road security of provincia" , it has remembered I kill. The version of the Civil Guard the Command of the Civil Guard of Soria has assured that the patrol car detected by a radar to 207 kilometers per hour did not go lead by captain Claudius Argello, but by a guard accompanied who it. With this version, the Command denies offered yesterday by the Union of Guardias Civiles (UGC), whom it has denounced before the courts of Justice that the captain of the subsector of Traffic Claudius Argello was surprised by a radar when it lead to 207 kilometers by hour in the railcar of Navarre (A-15). Source of the news: They denounce to the j of the Civil Guard of Traffic of Soria to lead to 207 km/h