Commodities Agricultural Informatics

Imagine a well of water in a semi-arid region, where its level depends on the rains to keep a vital quantity for consumption. If in the moments of good level, that water may be freely used, with certainty there will be waste, as in bathrooms, cleanings, among other uses. And may, in time of drought, not having enough for human/animal desedentacion. Situation that could be avoided, placing costs/limiters to its consumption. When perceived that the level of the accumulated reserves may be insufficient, consumption should be reduced in the same proportion, which regulate the consumption and maintain a minimum reserve. Developed item by the time of monographs of basis for TCC the same can happen with food, basic survival, as well as the water from that well.

With prices and low stocks, many will go to consume more than it would be necessary to meet healthy. Thus, at some point, could be lack of power for global human nutrition; with true catastrophism, that should not occur. Precisely, because the market tends to if auto-corregir, precificando-si according to locale. Expensive food in a situation of anticipated future shortages, is expected that the extra-necesidad consumption is slowed or reduced. Surely, many will keep their consumption, increasing their expenditures, however in the Middle, there is expected a reduction in demand and a tendency to return to balance. Together with a reduction in consumption, due to the high price, there will be the financial incentive to its cultivation, increasing the supply and regulating the balance of human consumption.

There are the malignant side of speculative activity, the formation of large financial groups, entering by rinsing or enxaguando the market of commodities, without any basis for such. Thus, making a motion in an attempt to manipulate prices to infer achievements or for wrong stage performances. However, in this situation, other traders with good foundations to counteract such phenomena, they would enter the market with derivative positions contrary, becoming win of such distortions, to the detriment of the damages of the Ingenieurs. With the speed and confidence of the information of the present times, it is unlikely that an attempt of distortion in the market by firepower of some, come to the end auferir achievements to their bettors. Original author and source of the article.


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