Decorate With Borrowed Plumes

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and the plagiarism plagiarism affair affair or theft of text, you can call it as you want it stays with the stolen ideas through the writing of text passages without evaluating the source. In times of the Internet, the problem got a new dimension and the copying of texts was so easy like never before. But science is expected, that she is sincere and honest. A related site: Lakshman Achuthan mentions similar findings. If everyone sold foreign knowledge and other formulations as his intellectual property, then confidence in the science with security will be lost. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg would have as a freelance journalist for the daily newspaper of the world”(2002) must know, that the theft of a text without reference to the source is not only a serious technical error. Definition: A plagiarism is the unlawful acquisition and dissemination of foreign texts of any type and form without identification of the source. This applies to all media, i.e. books, scientific and other magazines, newspapers and all other print, and the Internet.

Source: Leibniz University Hanover of easier said: passages of used literature, must be identified in writing a scientific work with citations. “The word plagiarism” was invented by Paul English (1933) and is not defined in law. The Duden speaks of an unlawful imitation and publication of artistic or scientific works created by someone else. One should not confuse a plagiarism with a quote. There is a special regime for quotes”. A quote must not be too long and it must have been a reference to the author. But plagiiren not only the students, their teachers also operate from the work of their students.

The Suddeutsche Zeitung: the Act of North Rhine-Westphalia fines are anchored up to 50,000 euro for plagiarism in addition. The uni Bayreuth Minister zu Guttenberg has now deprived the doctoral degree. Who would like to generate attention as a writer or journalist, must know how he reached the media and how he speaks to the people through the media.

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