
The potential of emission of odors (composites of sulphur or ammonia) increases if certain conditions to occur during the stockage, as for example: rise of the temperature and humidity; pH falling to less than 9 in silts stabilized with whitewash; anaerobic conditions or deficiency of oxygen; contact of the silt with water; drawn out stockage of inadequately stabilized silts; cleanness and control of deficient losses. (SAINTS and JOHN, 2007) .5.2 Advantages of the destination of the silt of ETES in aterros aterros sanitriosOs are comumente used as final disposal for leached ashes of the incinerator, the digested silt dehydrated and the dehydrated rude silt. Many cities together make use the silt with the solid residues in the sanitary aterros (HAMMER, 1979). Cool silts proceeding from anaerobic and aerobic processes of treatment of sewers present great concentrations of organisms pathogenic and also they can co-be made use with the urban residues. However, the proper processes of stabilization of the co-made use organic material with these eventual materials, for the rise of temperature (aerobic processes) or for the significant variations of pH (anaerobic processes), attenuate and diminish these aspects that can, in if treating to fecal substance of origin human being, being proceeding from some sick organism, developing some disease of fecal origin. The advantages that elapse of the co-disposal are: bigger gas production methane; faster stability of the percolado one (when recirculated in the mass of residues); reduction of the bioestabilizao time; According to BIDONE and POVINELLI (1999), they are not necessary to keep high ratios of silts of sewers in the mixtures and that resulted sufficiently satisfactory they have been gotten with the addition only of 5% of introduced total solids, as silts of sewers, in the mixtures. This addition already promotes the volatile solid reduction and studies carried through in Brazil had shown that in mixtures with silts, participating these with percentages between 5% and 20%, the volatile solid reduction placed around 50% 55%, while for organic residues degraded in the absence of these silts, the observed reduction was of only 30%.A current trend is to add silts of sewers in sanitary aterros, aiming at to the increase in the production of biogs and to diminish the time for the beginning of its production.


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