Sheep weaveeed Maria S. Source: Joseph Jimenez. and Lamb ** Aline Mallane Sampaio Castle ** Ana Paula Oliveira Dos Santos ** Giselle Borges de Freitas ** Jakeline Andrade Dos Santos ** Joclio Borges Macedo ** Leila Bastos ** *Trabalho developed in disciplines Work Directed Interdisciplinar IV in the year of 2009, in the FTC-FSA. ** Academics of Nursing of the FTC-FSA. SUMMARY the Quality of life is an ample concept, verified in the nursing professional. Life without work has not meant. The nurse supervisor is associated with a estressor work that needs some measures to become it rewarding, aiming at improvements of the conditions, the installations, the picture of employees and the wage recognized pair and to be valued, providing a personal and professional satisfaction.
The nurse assumes a leadership of commands being an one of the main causes of low quality of life being necessary maintenance of the interpersonal relations. We consider that the nursing professionals need a harmonious environment, worthy conditions of work, increase of its remuneration and recognition. INTRODUCTION the Nursing is a profession that demands devotion sufficiently, therefore involves estressantes activities, in an environment where frequent the people are ill or weak. This everything reflects in one high index of estressores in the work environment. Each professional brings obtains cultural, familiar influences, different convivialities that they need to be led in account and they must be analyzed to understand the human behavior in the work. Haddad (2000), affirms that ' ' The quality of life in the work is the determinative greater of the quality of life. Life without work has not meant ' ' Thus being, the work started to occupy a central place in the life of the man, more specifically the organizacional work. Through the literature revision, it is verified that it does not have a definition consensual regarding the quality of life in the work, but yes some chains or boardings.