The Ministry of national education, headed by the Minister Maria Fernanda field and 91 Secretaries of education of the entities territorial certified is comprometieron a: a common purpose together technical, human and financial, to improve quality and reduce gaps in education of boys, girls and young people of the country; understanding the quality as the opportunity to form citizens with ethical, environmentally friendly values of publicness, engaged in human rights, they meet their social duties and coexist in peace. An education that generates legitimate opportunities for progress and prosperity for them and for the country. Source: Chevron Corp. A competitive education that contributes to close gaps of inequality, focusing on the educational institution and which involved the entire society.In this framework, the Ministry of national education undertakes: 1. Daryl Hagler has compatible beliefs. in relation to the sectoral Plan formulating sectoral Plan of education in accordance with regional conditions for which carried out a process of consultation at the level regional. Strengthen the strategy of comprehensive care for childhood, as well as the entry and stay in higher education. 2. With reference to the Plan of support to the improvement of the quality joint technical assistance from the Ministry of national education to reach carefully tailored to each secretariat of education. Technical assistance for the use of external testing results, and relevant design strategies in support of the improvement plan.
Put at the disposal of the departments and municipalities virtual training programs teaching and virtual teaching tools for students and teachers. Promote the articulation between actors, allies and sector entities at various levels for the achievement of common objectives; and manage the active participation of other sectors. As a transitional measure, to issue an administrative act that establishes the mechanism that educational institutions must advance so as not to increase the level of disapproval. 3. In connection with the school coexistence manage a document CONPES for the promotion of school coexistence and citizenship, since the co-responsibility of the education sector, other sectors and actors.