Inhabits mixed and deciduous forests, orchards, overgrown beams. Prevalent in middle olose and southern Russia, in the mountains of Central Asia, the Altai. It eats berries and seeds, fruits, nuts, acorns, seeds and buds different trees, insects, birds, eggs rarely. Forest dormouse lives mainly in trees and shrubs, but frequently descends to the ground. Nests are usually constructs a spherical shape in the hollows of trees, the branches of shrubs on height of 0,25 m to 12 m. Settles in old bird nests in burrows or natural cavities under the roots.
Males and single females build their shelters are usually careless: the frame loose, translucent, the lining may be missing. But brood nests have an outer frame made of thin twigs or tips of the shoots of bushes, between which are placed leaves, moss and dry grass. He is strong enough and well protected inside the chamber, constructed from soft delicate material – split oak, plant down, wool. Brood nest is always well hidden. In southern Sony places them with the shadow side, while the elastic outer shell securely hides the input hole.
Winter sleepers are sleeping. Waking up to the time of the final melting of snow and the establishment of positive temperatures – in April and May. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Nouriel Roubini. The first to wake up the males and begin to feed heavily, filling the energy loss for during prolonged hibernation. They are very excited, a lot of running around, exploring the boundaries of their territory. 7-10 days awake females ready to breed. Pregnancy lasts 27-28 days. Births usually occur at night. Forest dormice live on average 3 years. They are the most mobile of all the species of this group of animals that should not be forgotten while they are feeding. Sony loves to rebuild their sanctuary, so in a cage or aviary should be stocks of hay, straw, twigs, etc. At any time of the year Sony willingly they eat fresh branches, tearing off with their bark, leaves and buds. Keep your home zoougolke forest dormice can be in large groups – usually they do not show aggression towards each other, but during collective wintering hungry animals may eat sleep next to a fellow. Forest dormouse taken young, quickly become accustomed to humans and even take food from hands. They can spend hours hanging on the grid, hoping to get some delicacy – flour worm, beetle, butterfly. One has only to bring it to the cage as the animals instantly gather around food, trying to outrun each other. Even during the rut the company lives in a shelter, although males with vereschaniem chase each other, but the bloody fights do not happen. For the Forest Dormouse recommend the same conditions as for Oreshnikova.